Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This past week, we've received a lot of visitors.  It's been busy, but great.  Dan and I really enjoy spending time with other grown-ups, and Lua is at her best when she's constantly moving and being jostled around.

Last weekend, we hosted Dan's Aunt Wendy, who was visiting from San Diego.  She has a lot of energy, so it was fun to drag her all over campus and on our nightly sunset walks along the water. Then, last Thursday and Friday, we hosted Hoang, a friend from Peace Corps Mozambique.  He's the helpful sort, so he made us some French toast and helped construct a bookcase for our living room.  Finally, on Saturday and Sunday, we hosted Dan's cousin Jenny, who was on a business trip from Switzerland.  She and Dan hadn't seen each other since 1997, so it was a big reunion.  We took her to the boardwalk, where she went on her first roller coaster ride ("Fun, but a bit scary!") and frolicked in the Pacific ("That was good fun!").

Things will be fairly quiet for the next couple of days, until next Sunday when my Mom comes out for my birthday.  She'll be staying for a full week, about which I am inordinately excited.  Not only do I get to shake up my stay-at-home Mom routine with all sorts of adventures, but I'll also get a free babysitter.

If you haven't come out to visit us-- please consider it.  The distance has been hard on us, and we want to share our daughter as she grows and changes daily.  

Lua is very willing to give up her room!  

Dan and his Aunt Wendy on the UCSC campus (overlooking the bay)
Dan, Wendy, and Lua watching the surfers at Steamer's Lane
Hoang on West Cliff Drive
Visiting the wharf
With Hoang on the UCSC campus
The forest canopy on campus
Sunset at the lighthouse
Dan and Jenny on the swings at the Santa Cruz boardwalk
Dan and Jenny on the Gravitron.  "It was fun for the first half," declared Jenny.
Family reunion: Dan and Jenny at the Boardwalk
Jenny steps into the Pacific for the first time
Dan and Jenny
Jenny, Dan, and Lua

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