Monday, October 20, 2014

First Vaccinations

Lua got her first vaccinations last week, which was really tough on both of us. 

I didn't like the doctor at all-- he was distant and distracted, failed to give an explanation of the vaccines that he was giving, and swept out of the room before I could ask him any questions.  The nurse was kind enough, but aloof and very busy.  She didn't make conversation or pay attention to the baby other than to take her routine measurements.  

The worst parts, of course, were the injections themselves.  They were not as quick and painless as I'd hoped they'd be.  We had to wait in the examining room for (a very fussy) 45 minutes, and, once the nurse returned and doled out the vaccinations, Lua screamed and cried and cried and cried.  I felt sorry and so guilty.

When I finally pinned down the doctor to ask him my most important question (about Lua's sleeping schedule), he let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I should not be letting her sleep for more than 3-4 hours at a stretch and that I was endangering her health by letting her sleep through the night.

Note:  He's wrong

By the time that we were ready to leave, I was overwhelmed and miserable.  I'll admit that Lua and I both cried while I tried to stuff her back into her little outfit.  

Lua was sick for the rest of the night, but got progressively better as the days wore on.  And although I felt guilty for making her so miserable, I was also relieved to have her vaccinated.

Back home and feeling fussy
Three little Band-aids
Feeling sick at night

There was one funny thing in all of this, though--  When we went to Safeway that night to search for baby Tylenol, the pharmacist came out to help us.

"Well," she said.  "You're going to want acetaminophen in suspension form."

She pulled out two boxes and offered them to us.  "Does your baby prefer grape or cherry?"


Unless it's breast-milk flavored, I don't think she cares.

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