Monday, October 27, 2014

Three Months

Lua is three months old!

It's been really fun to track her progress in the last couple of weeks.  She now babbles and coos almost incessantly, smiles and holds eye contact, and seems to "know" her parents.  She is also starting to laugh in little bursts.  So far, we only get a few ha! ha!s a night, but it's an amazing sound.

In terms of developmental milestones, she's a little ahead socially, and a little behind physically.  That is to say-- she smiles, babbles, and laughs, but still doesn't bat at objects.  I have a feeling that she'll share her mother's lack of physical coordination.

She now sleeps through the night with absolute consistency (every night in the last month), which is by far her most brag-able attribute.  We put her down every night between 9 and 10, and she sleeps until sunrise the next morning.  Don't think for a minute that we don't know how lucky we are.  I am thankful every day that she is such a sweetheart and a precocious sleeper.

Here are some pictures from our three month photo shoot.  She's getting quite a bit bigger than her pink stuffed bear.  At her last doctor's appointment (two weeks ago), she weighed 12 lbs 6 oz and was 23.5 inches long.  And she's grown since then.

Just look at those cheeks!

Our little pumpkin (Thanks for the bib, Gigi!)
Three months old!
A rare laugh!
Tugging on her shirt, which is her new favorite "toy"
Tummy time (which is only just now becoming tolerable)
Munching on her Mombo
Tummy time!
Playing with her shirt
Happy baby!

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