Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8 Months

First of all, sorry for the belated post.  I've been so involved in the photography world that I've let myself fall behind on the blog.  I'm not beating myself up over it, though-- it's a miracle if I get anything done in a day, much less writing and editing and photoshooting on top of Lua's normal demands.  All things considered, we're actually doing pretty well!

At least I remember to get dressed in the morning.  And usually before noon.

So Lua is eight months old!  (Actually nine, but we're playing catch-up here)

At eight months, she's as easy, sweet, and cheerful as ever.  She's still the most easy-going of her friends, and also still the least motivated.  We're proud to announce, however, that after seven full months of blatant, almost willful, inactivity, Lua is finally teetering at the very edge of mobility.

Her two newest tricks are as follows:

Scooting.  With great, great determination and a lot of upper body strength, she can now pull herself across the floor.  She does this with her hands only, slapping them in front of her and dragging herself forward.  She's still pretty slow, but so proud.  This is a whole new world for her.

Walking (with help).  Somehow, this girl-- this cheerfully lazy bump-on-a-log-- has become a very handy little walker.  She needs help to get "up" and then to keep her balance, but she can toddle along on her little feet just fine, as long as someone is there to balance her.

She's also developed a good pincher grip in the last month, which means that she can feed herself at mealtimes.  Unfortunately, that means that she can also feed herself at non-mealtimes, too.  She seems partial to dead bugs and lint.

Her new-found abilities are so promising and so nerve-wracking at the same time!

So proud!  Happy 8 months, Little One!

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