Sunday, March 8, 2015


Every week, Lua and I spend a lot of time out of the house.  We have a mom's group on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, mom's lunch on Wednesday afternoons, music group on Fridays, and Babies and Beer on Saturdays.  In between, we do a lot of hiking and playdating.  

Part of all this activity is a survival mechanism for me-- I quickly realized that, despite my job title, I'll go insane if I actually stay home all day with Lua.  It's surprisingly isolating to spend all day alone with an infant.  I'm much happier when I go out and spend time with other adults and their babies in a larger group.  But it's not just for my sanity-- I also do it for Lua.  I think it's good for her to play with other babies (well, to pet them and eat their toys, at least) and to get held by other people.  It has occurred to me that the isolation goes both ways, and that it isn't beneficial for either one of us to be cooped up in the house

Here are some pictures of Lua at mom's group and at a musical playdate.  This is what we do all day!

Emma (left) and Lua at the Thursday Sutter Mom's group
Emma and Lua
Emma (6 months) with her mom's phone
At the musical playdate.  Noah's dad plays the didgeridoo!
Lua plays with a shaker underneath a floating blanket
Val and Gwen (7 months).  Gwen is just 4 days older than Lua!
Singing (and crying) and playing guitar
Caleaf and his ball.  It's fun for Lua to watch the older kids play!
Listening to the music
Baxter (1 year) playing with the lyrics
...And she's asleep!  

Not a bad life, huh?

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