Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baby Swimming

Last Friday, Dan and I took Lua to the pool for her first-ever swimming session.  

It.  Was.  Adorable.  

She absolutely loved it.  She smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled and laughed and laughed and laughed.  It was the cutest thing ever.  I don't know if I've ever seen her so happy.  She was just so gleeful and excited!

Dan dunked her twice, and she did a good job holding her breath.  She really enjoyed getting tossed and puttering around like a motorboat, although when we put her down face-first, she did try to lick the water. 

Here are some pictures of Lua's first day at the pool (with some of her other baby friends).  So cute!  

Mateo (4 months) and his mom.  Look at his hair!  
Sequoia (4 months) and her mom
Emma (6 months) and her mom
Lua in the pool!
Lua's best bud, Gwen (also 7 months) and her dad
Lua with her mom
Lua with her dad
Laughing and laughing!
Watching Dad play in the water
Getting tossed in the air
Heidi and her girl, Sequoia
Sequoia's little wrinkled feet

It was such a great family outing.  It was fun to watch Lua get so excited about the water.

We bought a multiple entry pass, so we can go back often in the future!

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