Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rice Krispies and Squash

It's been fun watching Lua develop an interest in solid food.  She eats everything that we give her, but with varying levels of enthusiasm.  Watch her different responses to the following two meals.  The first video shows her eating Rice Krispies with some mild interest (check out the spinning feet!).  The second shows her lunging at the spoon and wiggling in anticipation (yes, that's her panting).  

In general, we're learning that the greater the mess she makes-- and the more she kicks and spins her arms-- the more she is enjoying her food. 

Egyptian History Museum

The weekend after Dan's birthday, we took a trip to San Jose for a day of hiking.  Unfortunately, it started storming just as we pulled into the county park.  We changed our plans at the last minute, and, on a whim, went to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum instead.  Neither one of us had been there, but we didn't want to waste the afternoon.  

It turned out to be one of the best day trips we've ever taken.  

The museum houses the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts in western North America, including several sarcophagi and two real mummies.  There are also several animal mummies, along with other burial artifacts, jewelry, and a life-size rough-cut tomb.  Fantastic!

We didn't get to see the whole museum, so we'll have to go back in the future.  

We took very few pictures, but we did take a video.  Here's Lua in one of the museum galleries, getting very talkative on Dan's shoulders.  She was pretty loud, but, at 5 minutes until closing, were were the last people in the museum.  

Listen, and you can hear her say, "Dadada!" for the first time on film.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baby Swimming

Last Friday, Dan and I took Lua to the pool for her first-ever swimming session.  

It.  Was.  Adorable.  

She absolutely loved it.  She smiled and smiled and smiled and smiled and laughed and laughed and laughed.  It was the cutest thing ever.  I don't know if I've ever seen her so happy.  She was just so gleeful and excited!

Dan dunked her twice, and she did a good job holding her breath.  She really enjoyed getting tossed and puttering around like a motorboat, although when we put her down face-first, she did try to lick the water. 

Here are some pictures of Lua's first day at the pool (with some of her other baby friends).  So cute!  

Mateo (4 months) and his mom.  Look at his hair!  
Sequoia (4 months) and her mom
Emma (6 months) and her mom
Lua in the pool!
Lua's best bud, Gwen (also 7 months) and her dad
Lua with her mom
Lua with her dad
Laughing and laughing!
Watching Dad play in the water
Getting tossed in the air
Heidi and her girl, Sequoia
Sequoia's little wrinkled feet

It was such a great family outing.  It was fun to watch Lua get so excited about the water.

We bought a multiple entry pass, so we can go back often in the future!

Baby Swimming (Video)

If those pictures didn't quite capture it-- here's a video of Lua at the swimming pool.  Her glee is just infectious!

P.S.  Yes, I do have my camera in the pool.  It's only 3 feet deep!

7 Months

Lua is seven months old!

This past month has been amazing and marked with so much progress.  Lua is more fun than ever, from her constant smile to her easy laugh to her new-found ability to nuzzle and cuddle.  She is the happiest baby in her playgroup.

She is now 17 pounds and 8 ounces, which means that her weight gain has slowed down dramatically.  She's getting taller, too, and thinner as a result.  She's now 27 inches long, which puts her in the 90th percentile for height.  But despite the fact that she's thinning out, she still has her trademark chubby cheeks! 

Her sleep schedule is still in flux, and has been since Christmas.  She will sleep for about nine hours a night, and on and off throughout the day.  She no longer keeps a strict, cyclical nap schedule, and often skips her naps entirely .  She doesn't seem to sleep as much as other babies, and no longer day-naps with such easy and admirable abandon.  She seems comfortable with the change, but I feel like I'm playing catch-up-- struggling to manage nap-time for a baby who doesn't seem to want to sleep!

In the past month, we've seen marked improvement in several areas, namely playing, babbling, and eating. 

Playing.  She can play by herself for thirty minutes at a time, sitting on her own and bending in half to reach for her toys.  She regularly passes toys from one hand to the other, and can pick up smaller toys with careful and deliberate precision.  She's started slapping, patting, and petting-- all methods which are applied in equal measures to her parents, friends, and toys. 

Babbling.  This month has seen the rise of Ya-Ya-Ya-Ya, as well as the unexpected Ha! Ha! Ha!  She learned how to say "dadadadada" two weeks ago, and has been "dadada"-ing ever since.  

Eating.  After a month of practice, Lua is finally starting to understand the concept of solid food!  Ironically, it took a lot of non-baby food to get Lua excited at the prospect of eating.  So far, she has shown great interest in dahl, pizza crust, and avocado ice cream.  She never turns down anything we give her, but she only gets giddy about grown-up food.  She also loves drinking water from a cup (to an almost rabid and irrational extent).

Raising her gets more and more fun as she gets older and older.  Every month, I think, "This is the best month, yet!"  Her quirks at this age include munching on her tongue, turning her tongue upside down, and spinning her feet when she gets excited, 

Here are some pictures of Lua at her 7 month photo shoot.  Look how tall and independent she is!

Little Leo

The week before last, Dan, Lua, and I traveled to Davis, California to meet Menalda's new baby-- Leonel Lambane Andre!  He was born at 1:36 a.m. on February 19, 2014, weighing 7 pounds, 5 ounces.  Both he and Menalda are strong, healthy, and feeling fine.  

I loved spending time with such a new and tiny baby!  It's hard to believe that Lua was ever that small.  I tried to earn my keep by cooking and changing diapers, but mostly I just wanted to hold Leo, cuddle him, and take his picture.  He'll just get bigger and bigger and bigger from here.

Welcome, Little Leo!


Every week, Lua and I spend a lot of time out of the house.  We have a mom's group on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, mom's lunch on Wednesday afternoons, music group on Fridays, and Babies and Beer on Saturdays.  In between, we do a lot of hiking and playdating.  

Part of all this activity is a survival mechanism for me-- I quickly realized that, despite my job title, I'll go insane if I actually stay home all day with Lua.  It's surprisingly isolating to spend all day alone with an infant.  I'm much happier when I go out and spend time with other adults and their babies in a larger group.  But it's not just for my sanity-- I also do it for Lua.  I think it's good for her to play with other babies (well, to pet them and eat their toys, at least) and to get held by other people.  It has occurred to me that the isolation goes both ways, and that it isn't beneficial for either one of us to be cooped up in the house

Here are some pictures of Lua at mom's group and at a musical playdate.  This is what we do all day!

Emma (left) and Lua at the Thursday Sutter Mom's group
Emma and Lua
Emma (6 months) with her mom's phone
At the musical playdate.  Noah's dad plays the didgeridoo!
Lua plays with a shaker underneath a floating blanket
Val and Gwen (7 months).  Gwen is just 4 days older than Lua!
Singing (and crying) and playing guitar
Caleaf and his ball.  It's fun for Lua to watch the older kids play!
Listening to the music
Baxter (1 year) playing with the lyrics
...And she's asleep!  

Not a bad life, huh?