Wednesday, February 4, 2015

King Tide

Once a year, the sun and moon align to create king tides-- the most extreme tides of the year.  Dan, LauraDawn, and I took Lua to Natural Bridges State Park to check out the tide pools on the lowest day.  The tide was about -1.5 feet under and so much was exposed!  We saw sea anemones, starfish, sea urchins, crabs, and lots of little fish.  

It was nice to enjoy the afternoon outside (with about half of Santa Cruz).  Lua seemed to enjoy herself, although she fell asleep halfway through.  I can't wait until she's old enough to get excited and explore by herself!

Our little animal-hunter
LauraDawn shows us what she likes about a particular tide pool
Laura Dawn looks for fish
A tiny starfish in a tiny crevice!  Ochre stars are disappearing at an alarming rate
 from the California coastline, so it was encouraging to find a few here and there. 
A cave of purple sea urchins!
Lua looks in a tidepool
A tiny hermit crab!
Black turban snails
A family picture

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