Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lua's First Halloween

We knew it was going to be cold and rainy on Halloween, so Dan and I decided to make it a night in.  It was too wet to go and join the revelers downtown, and, besides, we were looking forward to staying home to hand out candy.  

We considered buying Lua a costume, but, in the end, we chose to use an outfit that we already had on hand.  She'd only recently grown into it, and it was really cute.  So here's Lua in her "costume"-- a tail and a set of elephant ears knitted by my step-brother's wife, Jesse.

It was perfect because it was warm, snuggly, and fit over her pajamas.  We're nothing if not practical, even on Halloween!

Lua's first Halloween
Look at those ears!
And that tail!
Our little elephant

We had fun handing out candy, although there were fewer trick-or-treaters than we had expected.  Then, when it seemed like the majority of the kids had all gone (at around 8PM), we took the rest of our candy to a friend's apartment and passed it around while we watched a movie and played Catan.  It was a nice and peaceful night-- the best kind, when you have a little baby.

Happy Halloween!

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