Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Welcome, Baby Lua

Here are some pictures of Lua Claire's first day.  She was born on July 25, 2014 at 9:13AM, weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and measuring 19.5 inches long.  

Her birth was easy and positive, with approximately nine hours of labor, five minutes of pushing, and  just a few minor stitches.  The end result was amazing-- one perfect and beautiful little baby girl.

At the hospital, waiting to be induced
Lua Claire, born 7-25 at 9:13AM | 2.8 kilograms | 6 lbs 2 oz
Mom and Baby
The happy family
First Visitors:  Great-Grandpa Jim and Great-Grandma Doralyn
First Visitors:  Grandmomma (Grandma Laurie)
Lua Claire (Day 1)
Baby feet!!  Welcome to the world, little one.

For the curious and more inquisitive reader, I've written Lua's birth story on a separate page.  Feel free to visit or ask questions!  

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